Thursday, May 2, 2013

My List

Hello all,
In this post I am going to copy the YouTube sensation Jenna Marbles today. If you don't know who she is go look at her videos! Besides the sometimes excessive bad language, she is really funny and insightful! Her most recent video was listing all the things she's really good at.... and that got me thinking. In this world it is really easy to see the things you are not good at, or not fond of. We put a lot of our time and attention on the things we are bad at, and take for granted the things we are good at. I can easily list off 20 things I can't do, or don't do well. So I am following in Jenna Marbles' footsteps and making a list of things I am really good at. As trivial as they may be.... She even suggested putting it by your bed or somewhere to remind you everyday that you ROCK! She couldn't be more right! A little boost of confidence never hurts!
Here it goes:

Writing Letters- I can write a seriously genuine, funny, and insightful letter when I want to! This skill could come in handy I ever get sucked into the 1800's!

Finding YouTube Videos- I have watched all the YoutTube greats, I found most of them before they were even famous. I found Bieber before he became famous.... #hipster. I learn half the stuff I'm suppose to as school, form YouTube.

Surprises- I love planning, implementing, and executing surprises of all varieties. I like surprising my friends with a tall frappuccino from Starbucks. I also like planning surprises like prom proposals! I am good at timing them and not giving it away!

Listening- My name itself means "listener." I have always been someone people can easily talk to about anything.

Taking Pictures- I'm putting this on my list because all my friends say I'm very photogenic, which means basically without trying I take really nice pictures? All I know is, it's not a bad thing! :)

Making Breakfast- I can't cook soup or any other lunch/dinner item to save my life, but I can cook a mean french toast breakfast. Pancakes bow down to my superior flipping powers. I know the perfect amount of brown sugar to add to oatmeal. Also, I have the perfect hot chocolate recipe that will bring any coffee shop hot chocolate to it's knees.

Psychology- I just have this inherent knowledge that helps me understand psychology really easily! I find the subject really interesting! If I could take only psych classes in college I would!

Working with little kids- I have always enjoyed working with pre-school aged kids and younger. As much fun as they have with me, I have just as much fun or more working with them!

Keeping Friends- Most people move through friendships throughout their lifetime. It's a natural thing to do. But I feel like I kinda break that mold. I keep the good friends in my life regaurdless of how far they go or what activities they do. I have had the same core group of friends since elementary school, which I cherish more than anything. And even the people that broke from that group in early high school, still hang out with me alone. I don't know how I do it, but I am grateful that I do. I know I always have a friend anywhere I go.

That is my list! I hope you all go make your own list of things that make you an awesome person! Cause it's nice to be reminded of that in this world that makes it so easy to focus on the negativities.

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