Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Going To State

This weekend my fastpitch team is going to the state tournament for all 4A high schools in WA! My school's team has not been to state since 2004! 
I have dedicated 4 years of my life to this program, and about 12 years to the sport itself. To get to finish off my playing career at the highest high school level possible is such a blessing! 
My team is packing onto a school bus for an 8 hour trip tomorrow, and it will be plenty of team bonding to say the least! I intend to make a cozy fortress of blankets and pillows in my seat, take some Dramamine, put my ear buds in, and nod off for a long period of time! There will probably be a lot of gossip, and lots of playing games on phones! The most interesting thing will be to see who's phone does first! Hahaha I am packing enough food for 3 weekends in Spokane it seems like, but I always pack like I'm never going to see another Safeway again! I won't starve! That's for sure!
Staying at a hotel with my team will be super fun! We will room together and eat together and stay up late together! This weekend will be great bonding time! Too bad it's the last time we will play as a team! 
It's just hitting home that this is the last bus ride we will take together, the last time this team will play together. We will go off from this weekend and have great new experiences, and the fastpitch program will go on without us seniors, but the thought of this team never being together the same way again, just hit me! 

I go to sleep tonight thanking the Lord ten times over for the journey we get to embark on tomorrow, and for the wonderful experience this program has been for me. I go to sleep tonight bittersweet and excited all at once. 

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