Friday, May 31, 2013

I don't know how to be an adult

Now that I am 18 and headed off to college soon, I am starkly aware of the things I am responsible for now. Like, little things that I have started to do on my own that I took for granted when my parents did them. I have recently started doing my own laundry, carrying my own medical card, and when I go up to a counter to buy something, or go to the doctors office with my mom, she makes me speak! Hahaha it's all so much! And in doing all this got me thinking, what adult things do I take for granted that I haven't yet figured out!? So here is a list of basic adult things I should have down or at least understand, but don't! 
1. How to use a fire extinguisher- Seen one in every building I've ever walked in. But couldn't tell you how to work it to save my life... Literally.
2. How to do taxes- All I know is the government wants some of my money.
3. How a car works- I drive one almost everyday, and I hate to admit that I couldn't tell you how 99% of the machine works. If anything breaks I'm screwed.
4. How to cook- I can't cook anything that doesn't have directions on the package.
5. How credit works- I seriously don't understand the credit system. I still run on the hard currency way of living. If I don't have the amount in paper dollars or metal coins, I don't have it. To me, once you start making up imaginary currency you get a little sketchy.
6. What a mortgage is- it has to do with a house right?
7. What a credit rate does/means- so people rate you financially... Is that it?
8. How to chop an onion- every woman seems to know inherently how to chop an onion... Why don't I?
9. General home care- I don't know why it takes to care for the entire inside and outside if a home. All the cleaning inside, and maintenance outside. Where do people learn these things!?
10. How the DOL works- how do I know when I have to go there and for what? 

I'm sure there's more... But seriously! I am not prepared to be an adult! At some point do you just get "super adult senses" that help you know how to survive in this society!? Looks like google will be my best friend! Hahaha 

Anyone have answers to these adult unknowns? Leave comments on this post! Thanks!

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