Saturday, May 18, 2013

Types of high school couples

The newlyweds- they have been dating for a short while, but can't go two seconds with out making some sort of physical contact. They go everywhere together, and do everything together. It's all new and exciting!

The non-verbals- you see them in the hall all the time, but they never talk. They are always just there staring deeply into one another's eyes. 

The senior/freshman couple- the age difference is about as awkward at the height difference. They are convinced they will stay together when the senior goes off to college, but everyone knows they won't. 

The together forevers- been together since the dawn if high school. Everyone says they are the cutest thing. These couples are a natural fit, but often get tired of each other towards the end, and won't make it beyond high school. 

The Ken and Barbie- they are the popular power couple. Seemingly perfect, but actually stupidly dramatic and not really that into each other. 

The nerds- captain of the knowledge bowl team meets physics club president! They bond over things like chemistry homework! (See what I did there?)

The on again/off again couple- you are pretty sure Facebook has prohibited them from changing their relationship status because it would happen to frequently and would crash the Facebook page. They are holding hands one day and having a sobbing break-up fest at lunch the next! One can never tell quite where they stand. 

The normals- two kids from average suburban house holds, that find each other somewhat attractive, and are simultaneously intensely wanting to know what it feels like to have the status of "in a relationship." They enjoy each others company, and don't really stand out in any sort of way. 

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