Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bottle It Up

I have this terrible coping habit of bottling things that bother me up. I accumulate all my emotions in one spot in my head. I try to rationalize them, internalize them, and flush the emotions away for no person to ever see. I was/still sorta am convinced this method was a sound one when dealing with emotions. I don't like people to see me get emotional. I can't really explain why, but I've always been this way. 
But there are days like today, where one thing after another happens, and I can no longer hold in what is making me sad or mad. And I break down, I freak out, and go off on anyone near me. First about the thing that set me off, but continue on to things in the recent past. And if what set me off relates to something from a while ago I had bottled up, I won't hesitate to bring that up either. That's what makes me doubt the logic behind my own coping mechanism.
It's like I bottle all my emotions in a Coke bottle, and when something or someone shakes me up enough, all my contents come exploding out in a fizzling mess. 

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