Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Frustrating Thing

I just wish sometimes I could reach inside someone I care about and take out their source of pain and carry it for them so they don't experience it. 
I can't stand watching someone I love and care for hurting emotionally. Have you ever just looked at someone and seen that they have been emotionally hurt? They don't explicitly say it, but their body says it, their eyes show it. I have recently, and my heart hurts for them. Nothing that time won't heal, but something that I wish I could make go away, nonetheless.
I am not the one that hurt them, but I want to be the one to make it go away. Cause when my friends' heart gets hurt, my heart gets hurt too... And that's a frustrating thing. 
I don't know if that's normal, but I've always been this way. And it's worse if I cause the pain! (Again, I didn't cause this though)
Eating ice cream and listening to my friend vent is all I can do, but I want to do so much more. I want to take their pain and hold it for them so they never feel it. My friend doesn't deserve to be underrated. And that's what someone is doing, and I can tell she feels underrated, like there is something wrong with her, that she is unlucky. I HATE that someone can make my friend feel like that. Like, seriously, my jaw clenches in anger! Cause that means that the negative won over ME! I couldn't stop it. It means that this underestimate of her self-worth by someone else has taken center stage compared to my (and many others') view of her amazing and unequivocal value. That this new negative in her life is causing her pain that I can't fix on my own. 

My friend is strong, and this won't keep her down long. Her internal positive drive is admirable to say the least. :) 

But at the moment I'm beyond frustrated that I can't take the pain away... As her friend I wish desperately that I could!

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