Friday, May 3, 2013

Worst Prom Dresses (Part 2)

Today I went prom dress shopping with my friends, and the experience was overwhelming and memorable! But it really reaffirmed the concept that there are some UGLY prom dresses out there... the shopping trip made me want to make another post about ugly prom dresses. There are so many out there! I again took the liberty to rename the dresses! Keep in mind these are all real dresses I found on legit prom dress sites! I can't make this up people!

Sock Monkey Cinderella.
Whoever wears this will not have to worry about a date! They have over 12 on their dress to keep them company!

Butt Magnet Missy
It's as if her butt is the magnet to all the red and white window curtains in the world.

Swing Dress Sister
See that piece of fabric in the front? Yah, thats a place for her date to sit when he gets tired....

Saloon Style Prom
Somewhere in Nevada there is a casino gift shop mannequin missing it's "old west" saloon style prop dress.

Promber Alert!
Attention! There is a report of a a missing two-thirds of a once gorgeous prom dress! Seriously... why ruin a perfectly good dress with all theses slits and openings!?

Mix'n Match Mess
Anyone remember those crayon mixing machines that would blend all your crayon colors together? They've apparently made those for fabric now, put fabric in.... and a random colored prom dress comes out...

Prom Predator
Going to prom or about to play Jane in Spielberg's re-enactment of Tarzan? Guess we'll never know!

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