This is my final week at home before I leave for college! It's getting very strange, if I'm being completely honest. Time is becoming a luxury I cannot afford! I have begun to budget my time with people in order to make sure I see everyone I want to before I leave. People are treating me differently and talking to me as if I'm leaving them forever. I swear my parents look at me for prolonged periods of time if we are in the same room! (I am the first one off to college, so they are new to this as well) I can't quite explain it. Though, I know it is not the last time I will ever see many of these people. I will be back on breaks, and they will too. But, as far as I'm concerned, once we all embark out on our separate journeys, nothing is really guaranteed. We can say we will keep in touch all we want, still I know some of these people won't. The only people I can guarantee I will see again are a few close friends and my immediate family! Not only am I saying goodbye to a mass amount of peers that I have known all my childhood, but a mass amount of stuff. I am completely gutting my bedroom! Sorting everything into piles of what I want to take with me and what I don't.
I find myself sorting my belongings into piles, and parting with the majority of it. I find myself sorting out all of my friends and putting them in order so I can spend the optimal amount of time with them. Puts into perspective how much of my life I currently know is ending!
Really, if you think about it, I am saying goodbye to an era of my life.
It's not like I am saying goodbye to everything I've ever known, because I will be back. But I am saying goodbye to a lifestyle, and when I return, inevitably I will see things differently. I'm not sure how to feel about that. Excited yet sad at the same time.
Not sure if saying goodbye makes me more nervous or sad....
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