Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Twas the night before College

Tomorrow I am moving into my college dorm and embarking on the crazy adventure that is college! 
As I lay here tonight, I am reflecting on a lot of things. I am continually thankful for my parents, and all they have done to get me to this point. I am thankful to God, for you know, existing in my life. I miss my beautiful friends already! Also, I have so many unanswered questions... I don't know how move-in day works, I still have financial aid questions, I don't know my room mate, and I am terribly afraid I forgot something at home (which is 6 hours away!) 

I could spend this entire night imagining every scenario I will encounter over the next few weeks. Or I could spend it reminiscing through childhood memories, and getting all sentimental. But really I should get some sleep. Tomorrow will be emotionally draining. Being taken to a new place to live with almost nobody I know. Saying goodbye to my parents, and essentially start being independent for the first time for a long period of time! 

I'm going to try to get some sleep. But getting to sleep tonight feels as hard as trying to get to sleep would be if you were on a life raft about to take a blind curve.... You don't know what's around the corner, why would you fall asleep then!? That's what I feel like...

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