Tuesday, August 6, 2013

25 minutes in a park

Yesterday, I spent 25 minutes alone in a public park. I was waiting for my friends to arrive, and I was quite content laying on a blanket under a tree, the birds chirping, not a cloud in the sky, enjoying the moderately warm temperature, and just the overall peace of it all.
Well, that lasted all of 2.8 seconds before a bee came to investigate me! Which naturally freaked me out. I hate bees. Then a squirrel tried to creep up on the food I had sitting next to me, which I had to scare off. I thought to myself, "ok, that was a momentary disruption, go back to relaxing..." So I slipped back into my peaceful state, when suddenly startled by ants crawling all over my blanket!
After shaking out the invaded blanket, and settling back down, I noticed I was not alone at this quiet little park anymore. A rather large homeless man had set up camp in the back corner of the park. He could see me and I could see him. I suddenly felt more alert of what was going on, and was slightly afraid. I am not afraid of homeless people, rather afraid of strange men. The fact that I am a small-ish woman alone in a park, and he is rather large man, made me uneasy. He made no move toward me, he simply laid on a park bench not even facing me. Still, I had lost all ability to lay down and close my eyes and relax. After a while he got on his bike and biked away.... safe once again?
NOPE! In came another man, who was just walking the path that loops the park. He was dressed in a button up shirt and jeans. Yet, I felt just as afraid. I pretended to be busy on my phone as he walked by my area, nothing came of that incident either.
I was visited by another squirrel and a Blue Jay that wanted the cookies I had sitting next to me.
The blanket I laid out began to get whet spot from the grass, and the ants were incredibly drawn to those spots....

I spent 25 minutes alone in a park, and it only took 25 minutes for me to realize exactly how paranoid I am about strangers and bothered by nature I can be, and how hard it is for me to sincerely relax! It's astounding what 25 minutes alone will do!

Go spend 25 minutes in a park alone, and see what you discover about yourself!

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