Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Freshman College Observations (Part 1)

These are just things I have learned, observed, dealt with, and experienced during my first week here at college, or as the rest of the world would call it, university.

~Going to a major university with something like 25,000 other students, I had many people tell me I would never see people from my old high school. That is so false it is ridiculous! It's about at true a statement as the "I agree I have read the terms and conditions" statement at the bottom of the page that nobody actually reads! I have seen everyone I know coming here from my old high school, and the surrounding schools from my area! YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE YOU KNOW! Whether you want to or not!

~Homesickness hits in random unexpected waves. One second I am sitting there listening to my professor explain her grading scale, and the next I am getting choked up and want nothing more than to hug my mom.... I hate being emotional in general, so to be hit at random times makes me feel almost blind sided by my own body.

~If you are left handed, get to class early and get one of the rare left handed desks! They do exists but you have to search for them!

~Sororities and Fraternities really are all the stereotypes the movies portray them to be.

~The sorority girls all look the same, dress the same, and party the same. Apparently tuesday night is the preferred party night, kinda random if you ask me!

~There is always that one dorm you are extremely jealous of, because its better, prettier, and cooler than yours in every way!

~Scheduling is all up to you, when you study, how you study, who you study with, it's all up to you. I find this very freeing! The teacher is no longer enforcing certain types of notes that they may find helpful but you frankly find annoying and impractical. (or was that just me?) You are the master!

~With power comes responsibility. You really do have to use you free time to study and be responsible...

~Falling off your lofted bed is completely possible when waking up in the morning...

~It's not a matter of "If you lock yourself out of your room" it is a matter of "when you lock yourself out of your room."

~Your room mate really does not have to be your best friend, it might be better that way. Just set boundaries early.

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