Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Internet Friends

This post is sort of a not to my previous post called "my internet distractions" except this one focuses on the people (mostly on YouTube) I watch religoiously. It may sound weird, and I know they have no idea I exist, but, I feel like I know the people on these channels, and I am invested in their lives. It's kinda freaky. But let me introduce you to my internet friends!

Jenna Marbles- I first started watching her my sophomore year of high school, and have never stopped. She is an empowered female YouTube comedian who makes a living off of her channel. She inspires me to be more outgoing and embrace myself for who I am, cause I watch her do it every week. She tells it how it is, and in a comedic relief sotra way. She also has two dogs named Marbles and Kermit, who complete her life and her videos. Though, you can tell when she is going through life problems, cause she usually dies her hair some strange way and says the F-word a lot more in her videos.

Girl Code- An increasingly popular tv show on MTV where a group of female comedians talk about the "rules" of being a girl, why we do what we do, say what we say, and help decipher guys for us. I seriously have learned so much about dating, guys, and life in general from these girls. I follow almost all of them on Twitter! If you are a young girl, I highly recommend this one!

CTFXC (Charles and Allie Trippy) - I came across these two because of their epic marriage proposal on YouTube. But after watching it I wanted to know more about them and their life. They are incredibly interesting people, and they vlog their daily lives. I have watched them travel the world, get married, move into a house, join a band, tour with the band, get sick, go shopping, get coffee, you name it, I've watched them do it. (ok, that sounded way creepier than I wanted it to...)
But they have been keeping track since day one of blogging and are up to day 1578!

SXEPhill (Phillip DeFranco)- "Newsy type stuff and things that matter to me today"
That is how he opens up every video. Now, Phil is one of the most successful YouTubers out there. I remember starting out watching him in his house making videos by himself about news stories that captured his attention and wanted to share with his viewers. Now he has an office and a studio and a production team to help him out. I'm pretty sure he has interns who find him stories. He does talk shows now, and public speaking events. All because he started telling the news in a fun and informative way. I learn the coolest most random stuff on there. He also talks a lot about hot women, which I don't really care about, but I guess some do.
I thouroghly enjoy checking up on Phil.

VlogBrothers (John and Hank Green)- These are two brothers who are fully grown, and live separate lives in separate states who started making videos every week to each other about random thoughts they had. They cover any sort of topic they want, and throughout the years I've watched them starts charities on behalf of Nerfighters who died and start world saving projects to make the world suck less. (BTW, NerdFighters are what they affectionately call their viewers) I have learned a lot from their videos as well as been entertained by their awkwardly funny and nerdy brotherly relationship!

ASAPscience- This is a Youtube channel that explains things using simple yet understandable drawings on a white board, that is then time lapsed into a video. They explain scientific things such as "Brain Tricks" and explain things like "why we hit the snooze button" or "the power of procrastination." I learn more in their 2 minute science videos than I did all year in my biology class. I also have a crush on the narrators voice.... #IsThatWeird (Girl Code reference)

Go Check them all out and fall in love with them as much as I have! Hope to go to Vidcon someday and meet them all!

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