Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fall Goal

If you have not read my previous post titled "Summer Goal" please do so because I will be referencing it in this post. 

I have concluded that my summer has pretty much come to an end. Though, the weather is kindly sticking around, I am in full school mode! So it no longer feels like summer to me! 
With the end of summer comes time for reflection on how I did trying to achieve my summer goal! I am happy to report I succeeded with flying colors! I did something I have never done before every day! It was a challenge on those kind of days where I had no specific plans, or no intention of leaving the house. I had to get creative with those days. But then there were days when I was on vacation in a place I had never been to before and I was doing something new all day! I made countless memories with friends and family this summer, and I hope to do it again next year. It is a great way to grow and learn about yourself! 

As the fall season really really picks up here in college. I am still doing a lot of new things I have never done before, but a lot of it is awkward and uncomfortable. Meeting new people and forgetting their names, having to speak in front of a lecture class of 200 people or more, I could go on about the impossibly awkward and embarrassing situations I've already encountered. Yet, each situation I look back on as a learning opportunity. Even if it was an inwardly painful one! So this fall I'm making it my goal to intentionally put myself in an awkward or uncomfortable situation (that doesn't purposefully make another person feel awkward and uncomfortable) at least ONCE a week! In hopes that these experiences will push me to be more comfortable in new or unfamiliar situations! I'll even start today, as I am going to a church youth picnic with a ton of people I barely know off campus! Yay for awkward conversation! 

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