Saturday, January 5, 2013

Defending Macklemore

I am not particularly a hip-hop and rap fan. I barely have any rap songs on my iPod, and though I've tried many times to get into it I just haven't. Only a select few have made it onto my music list. But the budding Seattle rap/hip-hop artist called Macklemore is changing that.
The reason is, his songs are different. His sound is the same, the same upbeat and fast paced singing style. But when you listen to the lyrics ( I suggest listening to his songs while watching a lyrics video on YouTube) they are about overcoming real world stuff, about his childhood in Seattle, and the struggle he had overcoming drugs and alcohol to be a better person, about relationships, about the Northwest. (which I can relate to cause I live there)
The people that write him off as "just one of those rappers" grossly underestimate him. He has songs about loving people of all kinds, he has songs about getting out of the deathly drug-ish lifestyle that destroys relationships and careers. Songs about Seattle, and how music saved him. And my personal favorite, probably his quirkiest, a song about shopping at a thrift shop! Real life things. So when you put him in the same category as all the other rappers who auto tune and that just rap about sex, drugs, and prostitutes, I get rather defensive.
Macklemore is on a level that the few, soulful, thoughtful, and genuine rappers are on. He is just as amazing live as well! He is a chill dude that seems rather humble to be where he has gotten with his music. When you watch him perform you can tell he really feels it.
Like any rapper, the words come out so quickly it takes me multiple times to listen to the song to get it, but once I know the lyrics, I really enjoy it. Makes me wish I had the incredible gift of being able to rap. How cool would that be?

So anyways, that's my quick defense of Macklemore! He's also a Mariners fan! So that's a plus! Hahaha go check him out! You won't regret it!

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