Monday, January 14, 2013

Types of criers

I think there are different types of crier in this world. Different things that trigger people to cry.
Here is my list!

The Sappy Crier: The one who cries at every single sob story. Reads a homeless persons sign and balls their eyes out right on the spot. The one that cries two seconds into those Sarah McLachlan rescue animal commercials. Even at the sentimental scenes in a Disney channel movie! It's as easy to set them off as it is to blow over a feather!

The Frustrated/Overwhelmed Crier: #ME!! The one that gets frustrated at an uncontrollable or intangible situation and has no other avenue but to cry it out. These criers exhaust all options before releasing the tears. Often cries at the most inopportune time!

The Pain Crier: Naturally everyone cries if in enough pain. It's a human reaction. But the actual Pain Criers cry at the slightest of pain. Will always play victim and seek attention to their wound from their crying.

The Religious Crier: In the work place and social setting this person is incredibly composed. But put this person in a good church pew and let the water works begin. Every prayer calls for dramatic prolonged pause followed by choking back tears! Keep a tissue box handy in the offering plate! :)

The Non-Crier: This person never cries. Period. The most tragic of events could happen to this one and they will do everything but cry!

The Specialty Crier: This person has a particular topic, item, person, or place that makes them lose it. Often is met by awkward situations.... Just imagine "oh hey Craig! How was your vacation in Mexico!?" Craig: "vacation.... VACATION... I remember my last family vacation before grandpa passed! We were all together and happy!" - Tears ensue and the situation is now awkward for all.

The Hungry Crier: This one is irritable because of hunger, and with enough prolonging of food, you can provoke a quality crying session out of this one. Very similar to the frustrated crier.

The Ugly Crier: Nothing extraordinary sets them off. But they are just ugly criers. Their face contorts into a wrinkled and sometimes snotty mess. Their eyes puff up more than normal. You can't comprehend for the life of you what they are trying to say, cause their tongue is just uncontrollable and swollen. It usually takes them hours to make a complete recovery.

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