Thursday, January 24, 2013


I think angels exists. I think they are used for God's Devine purpose, and I think humans can be God's angel when God calls upon them to be. I don't think it has to be conscious either.
I bring this up because I think I got a much needed and friendly visit from one kind soul today. I was standing in Fred Meyers waiting for my dad, and I saw this old man walking from the check out counter to the door, he hobbled at a minuscule pace with a cane. His eyes were deep and dark. His glasses magnified them as they look up across the way to meet eyes with me! We made eye contact, and it made me think of my grandpas. I lost both of them this past summer, in very different ways, but lost both of them none-the-less. My grandpa who lived in Washington (WA) passed away in June. My other grandpa who lived in Arizona (AZ) passed away in September.
The way this man walked reminded me of my last trip to the grocery store with my AZ grandpa, I remember we roamed the isles together, bought his favorite ice cream, and chocolate ice cream bars, we bought pizza, and peaches too. This old man's physical presence was that of my AZ grandpa as well. The way this man had his face, reminded me of the last Christmas I got to spend with my WA grandpa, the way his face used to look after he brought in the firewood, or something, to maintain the fire. Or as my WA grandpa used to look singing in his church choir. His cain resembled my grandpa's also. I smiled at the older gentleman cause of these lovely memories he provoked.
What happened next I did not expect. He reads the word "fastpitch" on my sweatshirt, comes closer to me and asks if I play. I lit up at the fact that he noticed me, and spoke to me! I kindly said I did! He then asked "where do you play?" I said "mostly outfield," and he then gently took my right hand and cupped it between his two elderly big hands and said "that's great... My daughter played there too! She loved it!" I said that I enjoy it so much, and then he shuffled on his way toward the door, leaving my hand frozen there.... My AZ grandpa used to grab my hand JUST like then when he said something he really meant! He also was notorious for coming up and talking to strangers just like that! I don't think that old man will ever know how much that one minute conversation will mean to me.
I think he was the kind of unconscious angel God sends.
So tonight, my prayers go to this older gentleman, I don't know if he believes in God, I don't know his family situation, I don't know his health, but I know he was used to reassure me my grandpas are safe and happy in heaven today and are watching over me :)

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