Friday, January 18, 2013

Bowls of vinegar

I currently have 5 bowls of vinegar set throughout my house. Why you may ask? I have not only a 13-year-old little sister, but I also have a 15-year-old little sister! And I currently have 5 bowls of vinegar spread across the house because of her.
She has a brilliant brain. One that interprets things in a different way. Sees avenues to problems and can solve them. She loves to read, and loves to learn, but she lacks "street smarts." The type of knowledge one needs to solve problems you can't find in a school text book. She can't do that without great difficulty. Today was no exception. She was left alone, like she is every Friday morning cause she doesn't have school, and I come home from class around 10 a.m. Well, this morning I came home to the overwhelming smell of something burning in the kitchen. It went beyond a burnt smell though. It was like someone set a house on fire in the middle of the Sierra Desert, and then put it under a magnifying glass, trapped the smell and remains in a jar, then planted it in our microwave! I walk into the kitchen to find my sister opening the kitchen windows! I ask her what in the heck happened and she calmly replies, "I burnt popcorn."
Overwhelmed by the second-hand smoke feeling I had, I just asked "WHY!? HOW!? WAS IT POPCORN FROM HELL!?"
We quickly opened all doors and windows, and she took the dreaded bag to the garbage can outside!
When I asked her how she let it get THAT burned, she said she put it in the microwave and went back to the computer and forgot. Hence, lacking the street smarts.... Any person with logical life experience would not leave a bag of popcorn unattended! That's how houses get burned down!
I ranted around the house for a while, but after an hour we both had to be to school. So, we had to close up the house. We both hoped it would dissipate before our family got home after school. But when I got home, and my whole family was there, the smell was as strong as ever. My little sister got reprimanded by each member of the family, and we spent this cold January night with all our windows open. Burrrr!!!
By 7 o'clock this evening the smell was still here, so we tried the fabric spray, that lasted all of 2.8 seconds. We were all getting so sick of the smell and it was giving me a headache! So I looked up online how to get rid of the smell, and many Google searches suggested putting vinegar bowls around the house. I promptly enlisted my sister, who brought this situation upon us, to place the bowls around. But it's 10 o'clock now and we still smell it. My eyes water from the vinegar too. I'm scared it will never go away! My sister also had problems opening a trash bag, putting Ritz crackers away, and just generally cleaning up after herself today. Actually, it's a pretty regular thing, just amplified today. At least my house isn't burned to the ground!
Going to try to go to sleep with a massive headache and stinging eyes now!
Goodnight all!

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