Saturday, December 29, 2012

Things I wish guys knew

I could write a book full of all the things I wish guys could understand when it comes to girls. I have read numerous books on guy-girl behavior, on how we interact, and why we do what we do. It is really fascinating. But this list is purely what I wish guys knew about dating girls.
I wish they knew that if they approach us, they are half way there. I want to tell them, the simple fact that you got the balls to plan out a sentence to say to us in person, and then walk up to us and say it, is flattering in itself.
I want to tell them that, I know its woven into the fabric of their nature to want to do something they think the girl they fancy would. So when you ask her out, your next natural question is "what do you want to do?" But you should avoid this. It puts pressure on the girl that she didn't seek. You are the one seeking her. You wouldn't invite someone to your birthday party then ask them what they wanted to do when they got there. Its much more attractive if you have a plan. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Even if you just go for a simple coffee date. Its you taking initiative, to us, its the idea that you put thought into something we would like to do. It is rather flattering actually.
I want to tell them that they should never underestimate the power of holding the door open for a girl. We do notice :)
I wish they knew that as unnatural as eye contact comes to them, it can make or break a date. Along those same lines... Guys, you should definitely know that if you want to impress us, come up to the door, and if the opportunity presents itself, shake our father's hand. It may cause the the most anxious, sweaty, agonizing, and fearful minutes of your life, but it really shows us you are in it. It says you are not afraid. It personally brings a smile to my face when a guy is willing to do that, cause I know how hard it is.
Finally, I wish they knew that (though.... this could be an either gender thing) making their intensions clear by the 3rd or 4th date is crucial. Don't leave us floating. Don't be wishy-washy about it either way. If you are looking for just a fling, say so. If you are looking for more, say so. If you thought it would work but realized it would't, say so. If you think not saying your intentions/feelings is saving our feelings, you've never met a girl who has been lead on. Thats the worst feeling.

I guess thats the gist of my rant. Probably more to come in the future! Guys, hope this helps! Girls, did I miss anything?

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