Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Flow is a psychological term which refers to the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. People who experience flow on a regular basis are proven to be happier in general than those who don't.
In America today, with our lives being so busy and chaotic, we don't experience flow very often. I didn't really comprehend what flow was, to be honest. Today I had a head ache and had a lot of homework to do... I was stressed and tired. But I had a batting lesson, so I grudgingly went to it. But I am 100% sure I experienced flow while batting. I was constantly in the "zone." Every stroke felt good, my swing was strong and powerful. My arms extended and my wrists snapped at just the right time. My hips opened and my head stayed down at the ball. My batting coach had a good vibe going, and I was genuinely at peace for that hour. My headache dissipated within minutes of taking a few swings. I forgot about my math homework, and let out the pent up energy with every cut I took! Nothing took my mind of my swing, and if I fouled one off it didn't bother me. I, without a doubt, experienced flow while batting today. It left me exhilarated! I had a better temperament leaving than I did going in. Which is the sure sign of flow.
Flow doesn't have to be an athletic activity, it could be reading, playing music, or a lot of other things. But when it happens you just know. It's awesome!

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