Monday, September 16, 2013

Welcome to the Big Leagues

A pitcher never walks on to the mound without preparation. He always has a ball in his hand, a mitt on his other, and always walks out to the mound with a game plan in his head. Every game for that pitcher from that rookie year first pitch on matters. He is affected by the choices he has made to get him there and he controls the type of pitcher he wants to be, on and off the field.
It has been impressed upon me in more way than one that dating in college is vastly different and vastly superior to dating in high school. I am just now beginning to understand that sentiment. Welcome to the big leagues of the dating world, I tell myself..... Because the possibility that you will marry the person you pursue and date is much more likely. Some people only date with the intention of getting married while others date just for the sake of dating. I'm finding that it is really important to decide what you are looking for in a college relationship before you go on pursueing one. It is important to decide what is of value to you, that is essential to a happy relationship for you, and what isn't.

For me personally, I am not interested in dating just for the sake of dating. I did a small bit of that in high school, got it out of my system and learned lots about myself along the way. I have simply decided that in this college environment I need to only focus on the relationships that have a chance of going somewhere. I also have set a few parameters for guys that I had not previously embodied as strongly as I should have. A better way of putting it is, with the help of some of my amazing new friends, I have set higher standards and am holding to them. The first one being he has to be of my faith. Before college I had the motto of "to each his own" when it came to religion, but seeing all the brokeness around campus and bad relationships, I want no part of it, and having a relationship grounded in faith will ensure a lot of that will go away. Plus I have great faith role models here on campus who are showing me what joy a true faith based relationship can bring. The other is he has to be genuine and kind, meaning no putting on an act to impress me. I know guys desire to do this to make them seem better than they are, but no deep connection can happen when someone is wearing a mask. Being kind basically entails he is aware of and cares for the people around him. Finally, he has to know about or play, or have played baseball. Some of you reading this might think that's to narrow of a standard to put up, but baseball and fastpitch is a part of my life. It is a hobby and somewhat of an obsession of mine. If he can't relate to it at all that would just be not fun!

Many of you may think I am being prudish in these demands in a guy. I get that. But setting these parameters gaurd me from making past mistakes and from entering into a relationship that isn't as meaningful and God-loving as I've seen relationships can be. I know these demands can be met through trust, prayer, and by a little bit of work on my part. I'm actually excited to see where this all goes!

Welcome to the big leagues of the dating world... Play Ball!

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