Sunday, September 8, 2013

Freshman College Observations (Part 2)

Having been at this whole college thing all of one month now, I have a whole slew of new observations, ones that I may have noticed in the beginning, but wanted to solidify that they were actual things and not just happenstance that day. So here they are!

~Getting packages and letters is one of the most exciting things to happen to you all week!

~Sunday is a day usually reserved for sleeping in, doing homework, and being lazy. So the dorm hallway is unually busy! My room is at the end of the hall, so I have to pass everyone in order to get to the bathroom and back, this is quite the adventure because it seems as if everyone is blasting their own music, and watching tv. My walk this morning started out with bruno mars, moved to some depressing indy music, then to hard rap, and around to Jason Durulo, then turns into some country remix, and I finally arrive at my room! The hall is also full of purfume smells, air freshoners, and food smells cause everyone is just hanging around. Sunday is a good people watching sorta day.

~College kids are simpletons at heart, all it takes to make us happy is a slice of pizza and a mini basketball hoop in the middle of the room! Seriously, it does not take much to put us in a happy place, where normal income earning adults would be disatisfied with the minimal things it takes to make us excited.

~Pizza is the staple of college life.

~For some reason beyond my comprehension anytime past 1 am. is an exceptable time to shout and talk really loudly anywhere on campus so that those kids sleeping wake-up and hear what you have to say.... -_-

~Making plans is a very unstructured type of thing. Everybody is innately "go-with-the-flow." On any given moment people just get up to go do something, play something, or eat something. Nothing is really planned in advance, which was a learning curve for me.

~There is a sort of college lingo to each individual college. You learn the general nick names to everything, and learn the language of the campus, and then when you go talk to your friends and family back home you sound super crazy cause they have no idea what "taking the mall over to flicks to meet my village mates from thrive" means! (It means I walked across campus to the diner to meet with friends from church) hahaha. Not only have I been guilty of this, many of my friends off at different colleges have done it to me.

~You'll find you have a favorite shower out of your options in the bathroom, and if you are like me, will wait until its free even if the others are open.

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