Sunday, September 29, 2013

Perks of Cleaning

Don't get me wrong, if given the opportunity, I would hire a personal maid to wash and/or clean everything for the rest of my life. I mean, who wouldn't!?
Since that opportunity hasn't arrived yet, I am stuck doing the weekly cleaning chores as are most adults in this world. To make those mundane chores a little better I have decided to note the little things that I like about cleaning, it makes the motivation to do the chores stronger and maybe even do them faster than I would if I completely loathed them!
Here it goes:
~Washing Dishes: My hands come out so soft and smell so good when I am done!
~Dusting: I like to dusk when I haven't sneezed in a while, or my nose keeps threatening to sneeze, it really gets it all out! :)
~Doing Laundry: There is very little in this world I enjoy more than a warm pile of clean laundry, the smell and feel is just so soothing to me. I am notorious for taking naps in freshly done laundry back home. I actually look forward to doing laundry purely for that reason!
~Vacuuming: I kinda like the suction power of the little extension hose when getting at the corners of the room, the couch, or the leg of my unsuspecting sister. It is also a good excuse to not have to engage in conversation with people!
~Clutter Clean up: This is fun because I get distracted by the things I'm actually putting away... "oh THATS where that went!" is a common phrase...
~Cleaning the Bathtub: ....... Nope.... I got nothing, that chore just sucks. I simply put headphones in and hope it goes quickly....

Until I win the lottery I will have to keep this list in mind! Haha, time to rotate my laundry!

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