Thursday, September 12, 2013

Last day being age 18...

As my birthday fast approaches, I am forced to reflect on the past year, and the one that is still yet to come, the only difference being my age changes from 18 to 19. Now, I've written my opinion on birthdays in a previous post. Feel free to read that! But this is more about reflection and movie forward with age and life. 
It feels like an entire lifetime ago that I turned 18, I was surrounded by completely different people and in a completely different place, I hadn't even applied to college yet! Things in my life were about to take a huge roller coaster ride after my 18th birthday. Seriously, right after I turned 18 Things began to move quickly, life got more real, choices became harder and more significant, people changed all around me, and I was learning to take on a whole new level of independence. 
Sitting here in my dorm room now, I am confident in saying I made it out ok, at least by my standards. Lord know I had an immense amount of help and support along the way, but the end result of my 18th year is simply me, sitting in my dorm room, surrounded by all new people, in an all new place, all by my own choosing. Pretty remarkable huh? 
Had I know the amount of crazy and awesome change that was about to occur on my 18th birthday I don't know if I would have chosen to blow those candles out or run as fast as possible in the other direction! I'm glad we humans lack the ability to know the future in that respect, but I am aware that my major life changes are still happening and I am still adapting to my new life, leaving me to wonder, what this 19th year of life will bring. Wondering how it could possibly be more random and life altering than my 18th year. 

Going to spend my final day reflecting upon that all (and study for a sociology test) and when I wake up the next day, I will be 19! Weird! 

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