Thursday, September 5, 2013

Food For Thought

Today, I met this guy in my communications class, and we were told to discuss with one another the effect choices we make have on our lives, and the effect chance has on our life's course. How much of it is us, and how much of it is the world around us.
He disclosed to me that he believes things you chose dictate the type of things that happen to you by chance. He told me when he was in high school he came out to his parents as gay, and they pretty much disowned him. He went through the last two years of high school living alone and got into college on his own. Every day he wishes his parents would accept him for who he is, but he has to live with the choice he made to tell them. It deeply saddens me that there are people like his parents out there, that would completely shun someone for being different than they are. It's especially sad when it is a parent and child dynamic. I simply can't fathom having my parent's shun me for any reason, especially not a reason I had no choice in choosing, being disowned for being who I am.
I'm so glad I have parent's that unconditionally love me, a heavenly father that unconditionally loves me, and wish nothing less for everyone else in the world.

He did stress later in the conversation, that if he could change anything about the choice he made he would not. He said he loves who HE is whether other people do or not, and being out on his own for so long and so much earlier than his peers has given him the opportunity to do amazing things like go skydiving, travel Europe, and make new friends he might have not otherwise gotten the chance to! In his words "life sucks sometimes, but we go on"....

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