Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Dormitory Hall

Ok, I don't usually like to flat out complain about any situation in my life, I like to find the silver lining in the situation, and will try to focus on that. But not today... this post is purely everything I can't stand about my dorm hall. Keep in mind I am not talking about my dorm as a whole, I just have a particularly annoying hall!
First off, it smells weird all the time. It has a different smell to it everyday, sometimes identifiable and other times not. My nose is on overload as I come through the door and work my way to my room which is an agonizingly distant walk from the entrance of the hall. Secondly, the bathroom is a dingy pepto-bismol pink tile from ceiling to floor. The grout honestly hasn't been cleaned in decades, almost all the drains are caked in hair (to be expected with 20-something girls using it), the trash is always over flowing, and the showers are small and don't drain well. Our windows do not have screens on them, so bugs continuously raid into our room and disturb me.
My hall mates are 90% sorority members, who spend their week nights out on greek row, and be sure I am aware of their presents when they return at 2:30 am. They are obnoxiously loud in the most random hours of the night. I believe they set a new record this past weekend, when they arrived back around 6:30 am! There is a girl who lives on the other end of the hall who constantly shouts things, and today she went screaming the F-word up and down the hall early in the morning.... Really!? That's all I had to say about that... We also have a laundry schedule for the one washer and dryer we have on our floor, and nobody seems to adhere to it. Each week I sign up for a time, and am promptly there to find someone else already put their clothes in. Like this evening, I was signed up for 9 o'clock, and I got there at 9:10 to find someones clothes in the middle of a wash cycle... Is there no regard for a schedule and structure anymore!? UGH!

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