Monday, December 24, 2012

Spirit Airlines Ending

So, my previous post was telling an unfinished tale... I left you reading of our unfortunate stationary state in Las Vegas. I'm now sitting safely in my bedroom, here to tell the tale of how our journey ended.
It turns out or original captain to San Diego never showed up... They had to get a back up pilot or something. Spirit is such a class act...
We get on the plane, and there are three very loud middle aged women, obviously drunk. They were laughing and loudly talking, playing with their air vents above them like they had never seen them before. They also put their hands up like they were on a roller coaster when we were taking off! Though I usually enjoy people making fools of themselves in public, I was tired and cramped 4 rows behind them and just not having it. When beverages were carted down the isle during the flight I'm pretty sure they purchased more alcohol. Maria and I put our headphones in and did our best to drown them out.
Landing in San Diego (the world's 10th most dangerous airport) we were told we wouldn't have to get off the plane if we were going on to Portland. But within a minute of landing the flight attendant comes over the intercom saying that the flight crew taking us to Portland hadn't arrived yet and that we had to get off and wait. Forty-Five minutes later and an angry mob of passengers gathering outside the gate, the flight crew comes bumbling down the hall. We all cheer for them as they come through. We then proceed to bored the plane, and take off.
Something we observed about taking off, was all our flights swerved as we were taking off. We swayed left and right on the run way! It was freaky! Not only a one time thing either. We took off a total of three times and each time we swerved!
When landing in Portland I was overcome by the amount of crap we had just endured. I imagined the pilot saying to the control tower "Spirit Airlines Flight 123 in for landing" and some sassy control tower man saying "So glad you could grace us with your presence..." (Shes The Man reference anyone?) Anyways, we inevitably made it to meet Maria's poor family members around 2 am. Then drove for 2 hours home.
What I've learned from flying Spirit is: There is a difference between flying cheep...and flying stupid. And we flew just plain stupid.

Well, thats the end. I hope you all have Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas! If you are traveling by air, remember not to fly Spirit! Don't be stupid like us! :)

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