Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spirit freaking Airlines

I'm sitting in the dusty corner of a locker bay/vending machine room in Las Vegas in black spandex pants and a church youth group t-shirt, no shoes on cause there is a blister on my foot. All because of spirit airlines. And I know this is joining the rank of the thousands of other horrible spirit airline reviews.... But I just have to share how I got to this lowly state.
A round trip flight to Vegas and back for $150!! It sounds great! And my friend (we'll call her Maria) were flying down here to visit friends! First off we were met by a pre-set laboratory fee when purchasing tickets, and a $100 carry on fee! So to save money, we are shipping our bags back from our friends house in a flat rate box from the postal service! For under $20. We thought we were getting away with murder!
The ride to Las Vegas was delayed for two hours. Maria and I hung out in the Portland airport laying spread out on the ground on our blankets we brought (cause we are teenagers and can do that sort of thing) and were so bored we stared at the ceiling! The flight was fine, the seats were a bit cramped for the average person. But other than the delay we had no problem. No free beverages though!!!
So today our light was scheduled to leave Las Vegas at 7 with a stop in San Diego before moving on to Portland. As if the random stop south wasn't a hold up enough, they just delay our flight for 2 hours cause they had a "pilot issue." I went up to the counter to ask a question. A simple question that would take 2 seconds to answer. But no... I stood there for 5 minutes while the desk lady talked to her boyfriend!! And proceeded to answer my question. So, at this point I arrive to how I got in this predicament. Sitting plugged into the only working outlet for my phone. Maria took some Dramamine which is making her drowsy and supper funny she is laying with me in this secluded corner of the airport rambling off about vending machines and has a daze in her eyes I haven't seen in years. All while miles away her poor family members are delayed in their return home cause they promised to pick us up! They didn't know that promise meant after 1 am!
Never fly spirit! I don't believe they can do a competent job, even though this is my first time, I've read enough to know this experience Maria and I are living is the norm.
Side note: I also had to go through security twice cause I had a water bottle (oops) and we paid $11 dollars for burned pizza in a stuffy part of the airport!

Praying we get out of here with our sanity...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word. What an ordeal! Looking at the name of the airline - whose "spirit" are they claiming? Maybe an evil one! I am assuming you had a "lavatory" fee or, was it really a laboratory fee and you were guinea pigs? See you soon.
