Monday, December 10, 2012

Going to the Dentist

Let me preface this by saying, I have a long standing hatred of the dentist. I don't fear it, I know I'm not going to be permanently injured or scarred and will walk out of the office in one piece. I just don't like my dentist, the smell alone gives me a headache. It makes me tense and to top it off I go to a children's dentist!
I had to go in today to get an enamel problem fixed on the very back top right tooth! Instead of saying they were going to numb me, like any other adult hygienist would, they said they were going to put a little "tickle juice" over my "owie spot".... It's like they think I'm 5! It was 7:30 on a Monday, I was not having it, I drove myself there for goodness sake! They numb up my cheek and use that little kid voice the entire time! They put a jaw holder in to hold my mouth open, and called it the "champer clamper" cause I'm such a "champ" - I'm pretty sure I could have been thrashing and screaming and they would have called me a "champ" - They put some "happy gas" on my nose, and it felt like it always has. Renders my body slow and loopy, but my brain registers whats going on. When the dentist came in I got all up tight and anxious, like normal, so I took super deep breaths of the happy gas! The procedure went fine, and the dentist left as quickly as he came. The hygienist then said "Next time you come visit us we are going to take some pretty pictures of your teeth and look for any sugar bugs!" Why can't she, for the love of god, just say "At your next appointment, we are going to take an x-ray of your teeth and then do a regular cleaning to make sure you don't have any cavities!?" Is it so hard!?
I then had to sit for a half hour in the chair until I was deemed safe to drive myself home. The remainder of my day I couldn't feel my face or eat like a functioning human! Now its just a dull constant pain.
There was a small child in the room next to me screaming their little head off! I just kept thinking "I'm right there with you kid!"As you can tell I think my dentist is demoralizing and uncomfortable! And I can't wait until I am out of this pediatric dentist office! I might punch someone if I have to "Open the Crocodile" one more time!

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