Saturday, December 1, 2012

Adventures With My New iPhone

So, for those of you that don't know. I recently splurged on the iPhone 5! No, my "daddy" didn't pay for it, I paid for almost all of it. (Which makes it feel so much better, very rewarding) I have worked very hard for almost a year and I've been saving up to buy the new iPod touch that came out, since I don't have a data plan for a smart phone anyway. But I was only $250 shy of the iPhone and just decided it was worth the extra money, to not have to carry two devices together at once. To have a smartphone I will eventually take to college. Seeing that I took incredible care of my last iPod (Gen. 3), which lasted 4 years, and was still in pretty good working condition!
Upon getting my new phone. I have not been able to put it down for more than maybe 5 minutes! It is amazing! Though I still don't have a data plan, it really hasn't bothered me. I can use the phone part and like a phone when I'm out. I don't have a huge need to be connected to the internet 24/7. At home I have wifi to go on social media sites like normal. It really is just an iPod with phone capabilities. Or is it a phone with iPod capabilities? hmmmm?
I've been sharing a lot more pictures, just because its so easy! The bigger screen is amazing! And the panoramic camera capabilities are impressive! Sometimes I just unlock my phone and scroll through the screen because the picture is so nice and crisp. Its a nice size and weight and looks so darn sleek! I don't get why people cover them up with cheap plastic watermelon cases or whatever. Its like putting my bedsheets over The Starry Night painting by Van Gogh! Why would you ever do that!? I got a clear case that doesn't interfere with the screen, no annoying raised edges, and shows every corner for the phone.
Siri is also one of the most entertaining and useful things! I have had fun asking it questions! Questions of which I will share with you another time. I'm comprising a list :) And the newly designed headphones are so cool! I shook my head violently and they never fall out! The sound comes through so clearly! Nice improvement over their old ones.
As usual Apple has outdone themselves again. The employees at the Apple Store were phenomenal, and incredibly helpful. (I'm also jealous of their jackets) The phone is a piece of work, and serves me well.
Apple FanGirl for LIFE!

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