Tuesday, November 27, 2012

When writing a blog post

My thought process when writing a blog post!

Each line is a thought or action I have or do when writing these posts:

"Ok! Decide on a good topic.....
Before I start writing I better start music
Go on YouTube - Featured Playlist - Ben Rector - Play
Ok, music set, lets write!

Produce a perfect intro, and seamlessly transition into some funny yet crucial point.
Question my wording.
Feeling uninspired, so go on facebook, cause thats always a productive place to go....
Write a few uninspiring sentences.
Rearrange them to fit better.
Feel uninspired again, open Pinterest on a 3rd tab.
Spend 10 minutes trolling Pinterest.....
Get inspired by Pinterest's Quotes page I eventually end up at.
Write the majority of what I have been trying to say all along.
Leave page alone for 2 minutes, do anything but read page, like refreshing my mental batteries!
Come back to page and edit all the stupidly obvious spelling and grammatical errors.
Troll Pinterest's Humor page to make myself feel better about my lack of spelling skills.
Write the ending of what I want to say.
Rearrange the paragraphs to make more sense.
Check facebook again, just incase something major happened in the last 5 minutes!
Chat with some people on Facebook.
Reread the entire piece.
Add some little things, take out other things.
Troll Pinterest and Instagram.
Reread post.
Contemplate the implications of hitting the "publish" button. (this might take a long time depending on the nature of the post)
Hit the "publish" button and read it live on the blog!"

The End :)

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