Wednesday, November 14, 2012

People Watching

I had one of those days where you don't say much all day. I didn't say a word in chemistry, in fact I didn't do much of anything except day dream of my couch, comfy blanket, and a solid nap! I didn't talk to anyone in math, except to ask the teacher a question in the last few minutes of class, and we watched a movie in civics, so there was no talking there. I did happen to talk in sports medicine, cause I have the combination of friends a free-time in that class. But I realize now I spent the majority of my day just silently people watching. NOT in the creepy stalker-ish way! Just observing people all around, listening to interactions between others and not necessarily have an opinion on what was happening... just watching. I watch boys flirt with girls, and girls flirt with boys. I watch sleep deprived kids try to stay awake, watch a brian-iac wiz through homework, then watch a kid struggle to understand concepts sitting right next to him. I watch kids try desperately to fit in at their lunch table. I watch the goths sit in the corner doing whatever they do, I also watch the jocks throw whatever it is around their lunch table. I watch people drive in cars, I watch bus drivers drive busses. Some people look stressed, some look bored, some look sad, and some look content. It strikes me how everyday I pass these people, and don't notice most of the time. I also don't put into consideration the type of day they are having most of the time. Watching people refreshingly reminds me everyone is having a different kind of day. That girl walking unusually slow down the hall might have just had a crummy test, and that loud mouth jock might not have a nice family life, so he validates himself at school. That girl with her nose in a book might be super shy, but extremely nice if someone talked to her. Some people can also be funny! Like when a girl is obviously trying to flirt with a guy and he is just not getting the message! Its kind of entertaining to watch, as cynical as that sounds! None the less, it is nice every once and a while to notice people, just keep myself out of the equation, and people watch.

Jack Johnson gets me :)
People Watching, By: Jack Johnson:

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