Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ben Rector

Ben Rector is a singer, a really good singer. This post is purely an outpouring of my devout love for his music. So if you don't like him, go away now, and crawl back into the deep dark whole you obviously live in.
   ~My top song of his has got the be "The Beat", its a fun upbeat song about a shy girl who meets her match on the dance floor, lets go of her worry and fear "when the beat comes." Its great!
   ~His songs "White Dress"and "Dance with me baby" are awesome ones too! Pretty much perfect wedding songs!
    ~His song "Autumn" is the cutest little love song! I want to name my daughter Autumn just to have a guy sing this song to her!
   ~Another top song is "Moving Backwards," it always leaves me in a calm and thoughtful mood. Its a very mellow song.
   ~On top of his multitudes of amazing songs, he is a very good singer in person! If you look up his live performances on YouTube they are really good! He is charismatic and charming! Not to mention very well dressed!
   ~He is not new to the music scene, he has been around since maybe 2008, but I am just now getting into him.
   ~He also has a holiday album that is to die for! And when a singer can seamlessly transition from regular music to christmas music, and do them both well, you know he is a keeper!
I don't know why I haven't discovered him until now, but he is amazing! He is all I've been listening to! He does wonders with a guitar, piano, microphone, and audience. I hope you all check him out!


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