Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Free Time

Sorry I haven't been very consistent lately. I have been very busy this last week, between the election, school, and an amazing weekend at a Young Life retreat. I have had little time to post many of my thoughts! I'm going to try to post about them all week this week.
Free time is a precious thing for a senior in high school. By the time I get to sit down and do whatever I please, its between the hours 10 pm-6am! I tend to like to use those hours to sleep! Generally I get free time during the weekends, I like to spend it doing nothing. Really, I just sit (or lay in a clean pile of laundry... try it sometime! Its the best!) and think about anything and everything. I may pray to God for a while, to refocus my mind. I might listen to music and go away from the stress of reality. Thats the funny thing about free time, most of us spend it going someplace else in our mind, maybe in a video game, in a book, in a tv show, or on the computer. But it seems nobody choses to stay in their own reality when given the opportunity. I think its human nature to spend free time somewhere else, even if it is just in our minds. Its a small but much needed break.
I value my free time so greatly. I want more free time, but know that school and social life takes work to keep up, and I want a healthy social life and good grades, so I make some sacrifices!
But I'm taking 10 minutes before and after school today to just chill! I encourage you all to try it too!

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