Monday, October 1, 2012

Ode To Skinny Ties

What is it about a man in a skinny tie!? It drives girls crazy, and I am no exception! Neck Ties usually bother me in general. I mean who sat around a long time ago and said "hey, I have a good idea! Lets make a thin piece of fabric and tie it around our neck, a vital part of our body that connects out brain to the rest of our body! It will be fun guys?" And after that, who went along with it!? But these skinny ties have shown me the light. I can't explain how or why, but a guy in a nice skinny tie and a well tailored suit does to a girl what a bikini does to a guy! Some theories I have are that the tie takes up less of the focal point of the outfit, leaving more of the guys chest as part of the outfit. Which would have the same draw to girls as a low cut v-neck on a girl has on a guy. Or its that it is considered "younger" and "youthful" and can be easily transitioned from formal wear to casual. But most of all I think its a combo of the first theory and the fact that a nice skinny tie means a guy put thought into his style, a thing not many guys do these days. He put effort into choosing a chic and modern tie. And the idea that a guy put effort into his outfit at all is super attractive to girls!
Just a fun side note, Mr. Reynalds up top here won my skinny tie competition, but Joseph Gordon Levitt, Channing Tatum, and Zac Effron were all close skinny tie competitors! I highly recommend you google these men with skinny ties!


  1. Do you mean to say that these fine lads didn't make the cut?!?!?!?! :)

    1. I guess you'll just have to copy the url...
