Thursday, October 25, 2012

Charter Schools

Charter schools are a very controversial topic. They are a complicated subject, and one that has confused me this entire election season. Seeing that our state (Washington) is one of the few states left to approve charter schools. I have to come to an informed opinion on the issue. It's the only thing left on my ballot I haven't filled in. I'm not going to explain what charter schools are, if you don't exactly know.... Google is a thing...... Google is all knowing. :)
After weeks of reading both sides, and trying to rationalize my persuadable opinion, here is what I came up with. The foundation/idea is there, but the system is faulty. The ones who support it are simply crying out for reform. They see the where the kids are falling through, they see the budget problems in corrupt school districts, and they see the disadvantage of districts based on where kids live (especially Harlem and the Bronx). And I'm with them, as a student who has been pushed through various math programs and teachers with very little success! I get what they are saying. But charter schools won't solve all those problems. They are a good idea in theory. But they serve only a small fraction of state's students. And they take state and federal money (like any other public school) to service those kids! If it were just that factor it wouldn't be so bad, but then you get down to how the school is run, and you find that they would create a new state agency called the "Washington charter school commission" to authorize charter schools through out the state, supervise it, and manage it. Cause we need more government agencies.......(NOT)
But I could put all that behind me, bite my tongue and do it, if it meant the disadvantaged, learning disabled, and struggling children could get a better alternative education. Oh! Wait! You mean its not guaranteed to those kids?! That's right, by law charter schools have to use a lottery system! So even if I wanted to go to a charter school cause I was struggling in the conventional public school system, there is no guarantee I would. My hopes of a charter school education lay in hands of a plastic ball rolling around in a cage. Many learning disability children see charter schools as an opportunity to get out of the pressures of public schools. But, in fact, on top of the lottery factor, most charter schools don't have the right facilities and programs to help such children. They simply don't have to, by any law, the way a public school does. So the kids get sent right back to public school. I have read numerous stories about that, and some try to have the programs, but most don't put in the effort..... And I have yet to find a reliable study that proves charter schools have a good success rate. Not saying they all fail. There are some that succeed, and some that fail. But most just flat line. They don't do any better than public schools and they don't do any worse. So why would I want to put public education funds into something that hasn't shown to improve education and something that doesn't guarantee a students admission. Why don't we put that passion people have for reform and that money they would pay in charter school tuition and put it towards the failing public education!? Where everybody is admitted, and all the programs are there, where every kid can succeed if we really were serious about reform. I agree parts of the education system are broken, but abandoning it isn't a good solution.
I don't have all the answers, I don't know everything. And I totally see why people are for it, I respect them. I really do.... I want them to get the reform they are seeking, I just disagree with the way they want to go about that reform. I value every point of view on this issue, and have thoroughly poured over all of them for weeks!
Freedom of democracy and choice is so amazing! Every opinion matters and everyone's voice can be heard on any issue! Just like mine will be heard on this issue today when I turn in my ballot.

P.S. I know I didn't hit on every little detail of charter school issues, so I encourage you to check them out for yourself! And I promise the next post won't be so "heavy", I will make it a light and funny one!

Thanks- Samantha

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