Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fruit Snacks

I have a love/hate relationship with fruit snacks.
They are deceptive little chewy delights. They make you feel like you are making a healthy alternative decision! When I go to my snack shelf and see salty chips, nutty bars, popcorn, and fruit snacks, among other things, I kind of think they are the happy medium between healthy fruit and a sweet snack. But if you look closely at the content of fruit snacks.... They are just not so distant cousins to gummy bears......
The little bags themselves look and feel full, and then you open them, and the bag is only half full! (a lot like some other crunchy snack food I know of..... hmmmm) My favorite flavors of these chewy bite sized snacks are strawberry and apple. So when I finally decide to consume a package of these not-so-healthy-after-all gummy snacks, I expect to enjoy my favorite flavors. So, you can understand my further frustration with these snacks when more than half the package I have to eat is the cherry shaped gross ones that taste like medicine, and the gross orange flavored ones (which I just personally don't like, I'm acknowledge I'm in the minority there).
Yet, I love the texture, the taste, and the idea of fruit snacks! They are so fun! They make me feel like a lucky kindergardener getting a treat! They are fun colors, shapes, and sizes. In a class I took last year the teacher used to give us treats on fridays, he set out various candies and crackers and fruit snack packages. And guess what was the most popular snack taken? Yep.... fruit snacks. Always the first ones gone! Plus, I've never found a brand of fruit snack I have completely hated. Don't get me wrong, they all have their own unique gross flavors. But I've never found an entire package I don't like.
So, am I alone in my love/hate relationship with fruit snacks? What foods do you have a love/hate relationship with? I'm going to go eat fruit snacks now!


  1. I love to hate celery. Does that count? :)

  2. MR. CREIGHTON'S CLASSSSSSSS. #makegoodchoices
