Sunday, September 30, 2012

Why the new Supreme Court term matters

As you may know there is a presidential election, a gubernatorial election, a secretary or state election, and many other elections going on this season. And thought they are not elected by the general public I feel it is important to pay attention to the Supreme Court's new term! It could very well be one of the most historic! With the oldest member of the supreme court being 80, the next president could choose a member of the Supreme Court. Lets examine whats on tap for this court in their new term....
1. Affirmative Action (whether colleges can use race as a reason to bring someone to their school)
2. Voter I.D. laws.... (which I hope they get to before the elections)
3. Same sex marriage
4. Personhood laws (that life begins before conception)
5. The upholding of ObamaCare (yes, a conservative leaning supreme court upheld its constitutionality)
and maybe they might get to reexamining Roe v Wade (a recent push by conservatives). Seeing that the court is slightly more conservative, they very well could cover this..... So a major decision will come out of this term. Its just a matter of which one....
Not to say that the Supreme Court is not being covered by the national news or political sites. Its just that the importance of this next term is lost on a lot of average americans I think.... A lot of potential voters!

Food for thought!

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