Friday, October 12, 2012


Its becoming more and more autumn-ish all week! The sights, the smells, and the sounds of fall are something i simply LOVE! Fall colors.... great for clothes, great for nature! Its a win-win! I love the colors of all the trees! Vibrant reds, and greens, and yellows, I think God was just showing off during this season. My neighborhood is surrounded by a greenbelt, so this season is especially pretty around here! I like to go for runs down by Tumwater Falls, and this gorgeous color all around is more running motivation. When you walk by the river, you see the reflection of the trees colors in the water! Its just so beautiful!  Also while on my runs, there is something I notice about the air! It has a crisp feeling to it! You can feel it swirl into your lungs with every breath! Though, my fingers don't like the air very much, but they manage :) I love the leaves on the ground too. Especially this past week, they were like a hollywood movie, or like a blustery day in the hundred acre woods! They blow everywhere and swirl around, its so fun! Nothing else carries in the wind so easily, except maybe snowflakes, (which is a whole other love-fest post) I especially like it when a car drives over a road covered in leaves, and they all jump and swirl after it passes! And who's favorite childhood past time isn't jumping into a GIANT pile of leaves!? Let's be honest..... And autumn means pumpkins..... everywhere. In our cooking, in our decor, and even in our clothing! It actually amazes me how much you see pumpkin references in fall! All the coffee stands have specialty pumpkin spice drinks (which I adore!) and seasonal clothing comes out with pumpkins on kids clothes! (and sometimes adult clothes....) But my favorite thing about pumpkins is jack-o-lanters. How often are you going to be encouraged to take an oversized obnoxious colored squash and cut out its insides, carve a face in the side of it, and display in outside your living space.... I mean any other season you did that would result in a few questions and many strange looks from lots of people.... But not in fall!
So yah, thats why I love autumn.
I'll leave you with a pooh bear quote: "It's the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatety mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and best of all, leaping into leaves!" - Pooh Bear

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