Saturday, December 29, 2012

Things I wish guys knew

I could write a book full of all the things I wish guys could understand when it comes to girls. I have read numerous books on guy-girl behavior, on how we interact, and why we do what we do. It is really fascinating. But this list is purely what I wish guys knew about dating girls.
I wish they knew that if they approach us, they are half way there. I want to tell them, the simple fact that you got the balls to plan out a sentence to say to us in person, and then walk up to us and say it, is flattering in itself.
I want to tell them that, I know its woven into the fabric of their nature to want to do something they think the girl they fancy would. So when you ask her out, your next natural question is "what do you want to do?" But you should avoid this. It puts pressure on the girl that she didn't seek. You are the one seeking her. You wouldn't invite someone to your birthday party then ask them what they wanted to do when they got there. Its much more attractive if you have a plan. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Even if you just go for a simple coffee date. Its you taking initiative, to us, its the idea that you put thought into something we would like to do. It is rather flattering actually.
I want to tell them that they should never underestimate the power of holding the door open for a girl. We do notice :)
I wish they knew that as unnatural as eye contact comes to them, it can make or break a date. Along those same lines... Guys, you should definitely know that if you want to impress us, come up to the door, and if the opportunity presents itself, shake our father's hand. It may cause the the most anxious, sweaty, agonizing, and fearful minutes of your life, but it really shows us you are in it. It says you are not afraid. It personally brings a smile to my face when a guy is willing to do that, cause I know how hard it is.
Finally, I wish they knew that (though.... this could be an either gender thing) making their intensions clear by the 3rd or 4th date is crucial. Don't leave us floating. Don't be wishy-washy about it either way. If you are looking for just a fling, say so. If you are looking for more, say so. If you thought it would work but realized it would't, say so. If you think not saying your intentions/feelings is saving our feelings, you've never met a girl who has been lead on. Thats the worst feeling.

I guess thats the gist of my rant. Probably more to come in the future! Guys, hope this helps! Girls, did I miss anything?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Funny things to ask SIRI

This is a list of my favorite questions and/or phrases to ask Siri! Some are made up by me, and some I've found before but never fail to crack me up! Responses to these questions vary cause Siri is awesome, and Apple is awesome!

Q: Siri Siri on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?
A: "Sammy, you are full fair, 'tis true, but... No, you're definitely the fairest one of all."

Q: Beam Me Up Scotty.
A: "Can I see your badge, Sammy."

Q: Do you love me?
A: "I hardly know you"

Q: Do you believe in Santa?
A: "I don't believe that I have beliefs."

Q: Who is your creator?
A: "I forget"

Q: Are you a boy or a girl?
A: "I don't think we have time for this"
Follow Up: I think we do, Siri, are you a boy or a girl?
A: "Animals and Nouns have genders I do not."
Follow Up: So you are not a boy?
A: "I don't really like these arbitrary categories, Sammy."

Q; You're right, I'm wrong.
A: "It's nice to be right"

Q: You are correct.
A: "Glad to hear it"

More to come in the future!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Spirit Airlines Ending

So, my previous post was telling an unfinished tale... I left you reading of our unfortunate stationary state in Las Vegas. I'm now sitting safely in my bedroom, here to tell the tale of how our journey ended.
It turns out or original captain to San Diego never showed up... They had to get a back up pilot or something. Spirit is such a class act...
We get on the plane, and there are three very loud middle aged women, obviously drunk. They were laughing and loudly talking, playing with their air vents above them like they had never seen them before. They also put their hands up like they were on a roller coaster when we were taking off! Though I usually enjoy people making fools of themselves in public, I was tired and cramped 4 rows behind them and just not having it. When beverages were carted down the isle during the flight I'm pretty sure they purchased more alcohol. Maria and I put our headphones in and did our best to drown them out.
Landing in San Diego (the world's 10th most dangerous airport) we were told we wouldn't have to get off the plane if we were going on to Portland. But within a minute of landing the flight attendant comes over the intercom saying that the flight crew taking us to Portland hadn't arrived yet and that we had to get off and wait. Forty-Five minutes later and an angry mob of passengers gathering outside the gate, the flight crew comes bumbling down the hall. We all cheer for them as they come through. We then proceed to bored the plane, and take off.
Something we observed about taking off, was all our flights swerved as we were taking off. We swayed left and right on the run way! It was freaky! Not only a one time thing either. We took off a total of three times and each time we swerved!
When landing in Portland I was overcome by the amount of crap we had just endured. I imagined the pilot saying to the control tower "Spirit Airlines Flight 123 in for landing" and some sassy control tower man saying "So glad you could grace us with your presence..." (Shes The Man reference anyone?) Anyways, we inevitably made it to meet Maria's poor family members around 2 am. Then drove for 2 hours home.
What I've learned from flying Spirit is: There is a difference between flying cheep...and flying stupid. And we flew just plain stupid.

Well, thats the end. I hope you all have Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas! If you are traveling by air, remember not to fly Spirit! Don't be stupid like us! :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Spirit freaking Airlines

I'm sitting in the dusty corner of a locker bay/vending machine room in Las Vegas in black spandex pants and a church youth group t-shirt, no shoes on cause there is a blister on my foot. All because of spirit airlines. And I know this is joining the rank of the thousands of other horrible spirit airline reviews.... But I just have to share how I got to this lowly state.
A round trip flight to Vegas and back for $150!! It sounds great! And my friend (we'll call her Maria) were flying down here to visit friends! First off we were met by a pre-set laboratory fee when purchasing tickets, and a $100 carry on fee! So to save money, we are shipping our bags back from our friends house in a flat rate box from the postal service! For under $20. We thought we were getting away with murder!
The ride to Las Vegas was delayed for two hours. Maria and I hung out in the Portland airport laying spread out on the ground on our blankets we brought (cause we are teenagers and can do that sort of thing) and were so bored we stared at the ceiling! The flight was fine, the seats were a bit cramped for the average person. But other than the delay we had no problem. No free beverages though!!!
So today our light was scheduled to leave Las Vegas at 7 with a stop in San Diego before moving on to Portland. As if the random stop south wasn't a hold up enough, they just delay our flight for 2 hours cause they had a "pilot issue." I went up to the counter to ask a question. A simple question that would take 2 seconds to answer. But no... I stood there for 5 minutes while the desk lady talked to her boyfriend!! And proceeded to answer my question. So, at this point I arrive to how I got in this predicament. Sitting plugged into the only working outlet for my phone. Maria took some Dramamine which is making her drowsy and supper funny she is laying with me in this secluded corner of the airport rambling off about vending machines and has a daze in her eyes I haven't seen in years. All while miles away her poor family members are delayed in their return home cause they promised to pick us up! They didn't know that promise meant after 1 am!
Never fly spirit! I don't believe they can do a competent job, even though this is my first time, I've read enough to know this experience Maria and I are living is the norm.
Side note: I also had to go through security twice cause I had a water bottle (oops) and we paid $11 dollars for burned pizza in a stuffy part of the airport!

Praying we get out of here with our sanity...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


He guys! I'm sure you know the date today is 12-12-12! The last time in our lifetime we will see a triple date repeat thing! Its weird cause my parents barely care, but my entire K-12 education has had a triple date like that! I was in first grade in '01! January was 1-1-01! And ever since then we have had a date like that when I was in school! Its like a part of my childhood is dying!
Today's special significance has also prompted me to think about the last time earth had seen a 12-12-12. It would have been December 12th, 1912! I wonder if they were as stoked about it as we were, as vocal about their excitement!? They probably didn't have a lot of time to think, they were probably interested in things like putting food on the table. But I decided to see what happened on 12-12-12 way back when... and this is when I found!
The only nod really in America toward 12-12-12 was in a Filene's Ad, with a hand written date at the top of the ad. As it turns out Dec. 12th 1912 was a thursday, making Friday the 13th preceding it! Which the papers were more interested in! The Boston Globe published, on Friday the 13th, about how two significant dates were next to each other. They urged shoppers to "keep their safety clutches tightened on handbags and pocket books" and recommended the "kleptomaniacs who are doing their shoplifting early should make their hands behave today or the jail bells may ring out for them on Christmas morn." Hahaha! Turns out they were interested in the date and had the same sense of humor! Here is the link to that Boston Globe Post! (  
I also came upon multiple people pointing out that only accountants, bankers, and/or bookkeepers would see the written date! Also, journalists would see the date as they publish it in their papers. Average people did not write the date like we do frequently today. Nor did they have phones to flash the date at us whenever we turn it on!
I also found that Eben Appleton wrote a very important letter to Charles Walcott on Dec. 12th, 1912. The Appleton family owned the famous giant American flag that is now in the Smithsonian! The flag that is mentioned in the Star-Spangled Bannor, yah, that one. He wrote a letter to Charles Walcott to donate the flag to the Smithsonian on this day! So thats pretty cool!
Around this time in general culture, ragtime was making a showing of itself, the Federal Reserve System was just being presented to President-Elect Woodrow Wilson, the Triple Alliance was renewed in Vienna, the first airplane flew across the Mediterranean, and alliances were forming for the World War!
Pretty cool huh? I hope today's 12-12-12 will be as cool!

Wonder what the next 12-12-12 will bring!?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Going to the Dentist

Let me preface this by saying, I have a long standing hatred of the dentist. I don't fear it, I know I'm not going to be permanently injured or scarred and will walk out of the office in one piece. I just don't like my dentist, the smell alone gives me a headache. It makes me tense and to top it off I go to a children's dentist!
I had to go in today to get an enamel problem fixed on the very back top right tooth! Instead of saying they were going to numb me, like any other adult hygienist would, they said they were going to put a little "tickle juice" over my "owie spot".... It's like they think I'm 5! It was 7:30 on a Monday, I was not having it, I drove myself there for goodness sake! They numb up my cheek and use that little kid voice the entire time! They put a jaw holder in to hold my mouth open, and called it the "champer clamper" cause I'm such a "champ" - I'm pretty sure I could have been thrashing and screaming and they would have called me a "champ" - They put some "happy gas" on my nose, and it felt like it always has. Renders my body slow and loopy, but my brain registers whats going on. When the dentist came in I got all up tight and anxious, like normal, so I took super deep breaths of the happy gas! The procedure went fine, and the dentist left as quickly as he came. The hygienist then said "Next time you come visit us we are going to take some pretty pictures of your teeth and look for any sugar bugs!" Why can't she, for the love of god, just say "At your next appointment, we are going to take an x-ray of your teeth and then do a regular cleaning to make sure you don't have any cavities!?" Is it so hard!?
I then had to sit for a half hour in the chair until I was deemed safe to drive myself home. The remainder of my day I couldn't feel my face or eat like a functioning human! Now its just a dull constant pain.
There was a small child in the room next to me screaming their little head off! I just kept thinking "I'm right there with you kid!"As you can tell I think my dentist is demoralizing and uncomfortable! And I can't wait until I am out of this pediatric dentist office! I might punch someone if I have to "Open the Crocodile" one more time!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pinterest Love Story

I'm kinda obsessed with Pinterest, and procrastinating so... Here is a simple pinner's love story:

At a wedding the bride reads her wonderfully heartfelt marriage vows, everyone in the crowd is in tears. The groom then takes the mike and reads off his vows which are romantic, but are nothing original. Leaving the crowd and the bride a little put off. When she asked him afterwards where he got his vows from, he simply replied, "I recited them off your romantic quotes board on Pinterest. Cause I want to make every one of those come true."

Pinterest love <3

Made up story or not? Take a guess! I'll let you know! Either way its perfect :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Adventures With My New iPhone

So, for those of you that don't know. I recently splurged on the iPhone 5! No, my "daddy" didn't pay for it, I paid for almost all of it. (Which makes it feel so much better, very rewarding) I have worked very hard for almost a year and I've been saving up to buy the new iPod touch that came out, since I don't have a data plan for a smart phone anyway. But I was only $250 shy of the iPhone and just decided it was worth the extra money, to not have to carry two devices together at once. To have a smartphone I will eventually take to college. Seeing that I took incredible care of my last iPod (Gen. 3), which lasted 4 years, and was still in pretty good working condition!
Upon getting my new phone. I have not been able to put it down for more than maybe 5 minutes! It is amazing! Though I still don't have a data plan, it really hasn't bothered me. I can use the phone part and like a phone when I'm out. I don't have a huge need to be connected to the internet 24/7. At home I have wifi to go on social media sites like normal. It really is just an iPod with phone capabilities. Or is it a phone with iPod capabilities? hmmmm?
I've been sharing a lot more pictures, just because its so easy! The bigger screen is amazing! And the panoramic camera capabilities are impressive! Sometimes I just unlock my phone and scroll through the screen because the picture is so nice and crisp. Its a nice size and weight and looks so darn sleek! I don't get why people cover them up with cheap plastic watermelon cases or whatever. Its like putting my bedsheets over The Starry Night painting by Van Gogh! Why would you ever do that!? I got a clear case that doesn't interfere with the screen, no annoying raised edges, and shows every corner for the phone.
Siri is also one of the most entertaining and useful things! I have had fun asking it questions! Questions of which I will share with you another time. I'm comprising a list :) And the newly designed headphones are so cool! I shook my head violently and they never fall out! The sound comes through so clearly! Nice improvement over their old ones.
As usual Apple has outdone themselves again. The employees at the Apple Store were phenomenal, and incredibly helpful. (I'm also jealous of their jackets) The phone is a piece of work, and serves me well.
Apple FanGirl for LIFE!