Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"The One"

Do you think that everyone finds "the one"? That one special person who fits you like a puzzle piece and immediately makes your life complete? Does everyone get that undeniable tug on their heart when they see "the one" that draws them towards that person as if a magnet had just found its way to the refrigerator? Does everybody find that one person? Or are there just the lucky few that do, and the rest just settle? Is there really "the one" or are there many you could be equally compatible with and it is just chance as to which one you meet? What are the chances of finding "the one" if there is such a thing?
I don't really have the answers to all those questions… I have a few thoughts…
I have a hard time believing there is just one person meant for one other person, because there is no way all the right people would meet their person in this world! It's to big! But I kind of believe there are few people in this world that would work for everybody, and the chances of finding one out of that handful of possibilities is still slim, but better. Kinda takes the romance of "the one" out of it all, but what can I say. It's what my logical brain thinks. I also believe over half the population settles. They, for whatever reason, have found someone who will do simply because they feel the need to settle down quickly, desperately crave love and connection and don't want to wait any longer, and have found a person who meets half of their check list who is somewhat in the same boat. These relationships make it just fine for the most part, but seem to be missing something, and I've never been able to place just what. That leave the rest of the population as what I refer to as the lucky ones, who find someone and experience this undeniable and unexplainable attraction to a person, when they have found their magnet… They are those couples everyone aspires to be like, the source of the settling couples' aspiration and/or desperation, and have a radiance about them that is unexplainable. I undoubtably believe there is human capability for an above-average connection with another person. And I think everyone finds it at a different time in their life. Some find it in middle school, some are the stereotypical and statistically improbable high school sweet-hearts, many are college lovers, and some are fully fledged working class adults. No time in life is to early or late to find that magically strong connection, I just think that a lot of people never reach that connection or are to impatient or untrusting to find it. It is a special thing when two people experience it though. I have to believe that both parties feel it as well, it's never really a one sided thing. Both partners experience the same eventual feelings and it makes the relationship this awesome, open, and easy experience. As if all the guess work and "games" are thrown out the window… The two just connect.
I hesitate to use the word supernatural, but there is something bigger than us putting all of these connections together, that is for sure.
I personally will never settle until my heart feels that tug and my soul softly whispers "oh, there you are! I've been looking for you my whole life." I would urge anyone reading this not to settle, just cause one person found "the one" sooner than you, doesn't make you any lesser, it just means God is still orchestrating his grand plan. Listen to your heart, and you might find "the one" that God has placed in front of you.

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