Monday, October 21, 2013

Should've named me Grace

Everyone has those less than elegant moments of their life, let me just get right to the fact that I had a pretty big one last night.
I was walking up a simple staircase with another human of the opposite gender. We were joking around and having fun when I said "how many steps can you reach in one step?" As if to challenge him.... He extends his leg up the staircase and plants it firmly four steps up from where we were. As impressed as I was, the competitor inside me wanted to out do him... So I grasp the hand rail to my right and extend my leg five steps up from where we were. Stuck in this position for a second I had to gather up the strength and focus to hoist myself to the step using the guard rail. As soon as my back foot lifted off the ground, I went swinging off balance into the guard rail, slamming my head into the top, and my knee into the side. I guess I overestimated my balance and strength and underestimated that stupid fifth step. Before I could even really grasp what happened I got myself up, and he was frantically making sure I was ok! For a second I was numb from embarrassment and confusion. Nothing was truly hurt except my pride. I tried my hardest to play it cool as we slowly made our way up the rest of the staircase. As the evening went on my knee pain grew and grew, my head stayed relatively pain free. But I couldn't release the memory of the incident out of my head. How awkward and stupid the motion looked, what it must have looked like to him, what it sounded like, or how I tried to play it off.
When I was a child, and I did something ungraceful, my grandma would laugh and say "should've named you grace" cause obviously I was lacking some of that in whatever that particular incident was.
As I retired to my dorm room that night, I had two thoughts.
The first, "Its a good sign he continued to hang out with me after that moment... right!? Means I haven't totally fended him off yet! :)" The second was simply replaying the fall in my head with my grandmas voice over it all going "should've name you Grace!"

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