Monday, October 7, 2013


I have just been feeling really excited lately. I can't quite explain it all. I get up every morning and there is something to look forward to every day! Be it a simple coffee date with a friend, getting a nap in during the middle of the day, getting to go to on-campus events with friends, maybe a special food in the dinning hall, or getting to Skype with friends/family back home. Whatever it is I wake up excited every day and find myself motivated by that one event. This mentality has not always been around, I can't really remember feeling this way as often in high school. It might just be that everything here at college is still a little new and exciting, but I feel like this mentality will stick around for a while.... I can't explain it. The people in my life make me look forward to facing the day. I have the undying support of family and my faith, thats enough to make any day exciting in itself.

I don't know.... I look forward to the little things each and every day. It seems as if each day gets more and more exciting, there is a lot to look forward to. My dad is coming to visit, my friends and I have fun things planned, and every day just gets me closer to some other exciting thing! I feel stuck in a perpetually good and excited mood. I hope it never goes away!

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