Sunday, November 3, 2013

One Thing Hollywood Got Right

I've gotta say, one stereotype California's Hollywood got right was that of the typical greek row on Halloween. We've all probably seen a number of movies that have the crazy parties in greek row, with the skimpily (to put it nicely) dressed girls running from fraternity to fraternity, groups of guys ascending upon the fraternity doors as if it was their lives mission to get to those previously mentioned girls, and the neighborhood streets littered with red solo cups and broken remains of girl's various costumes.
After experiencing my first Halloween here at a major college I am here to tell you that stereotype is completely true! I had the luxury of walking around and observing greek row with a very good friend and while we were both completely sober, I might add. We passed multiple groups of girls dressed in every costume imaginable, as long as it barely covered their butts and showed enough cleavage to leave nothing to the imagination. I believe those were the only standards. I counted over 20 "playboy bunny" costumes throughout the night. The worst I saw was a girl walking in stiletto heels, a black spandex-underwear-like thing on her bottom half, and a santa top JUST like the one in the movie Elf that Buddy picks out for his dad (If you don't understand that reference you need a reality check) Behind every swarm of girls closely followed a drunk group of guys wearing half hearted costumes. Cause lets be honest, what guys wear on Halloween doesn't matter as much as what girls wear… At least not on greek row. The streets were loud, people drunkenly shouting to their friends down the street, people walking down the street and cars honking. There was a lot of various trash on the ground, a LOT of red solo cups. The occasional siren would go off, but because of the sheer volume of people out, I kind of assumed the polices efforts were all for not that night.
I was more mesmarised by the scene of greek row on Halloween then anything on television that night. People watching at its finest.
This occurred all week long I might add, since Halloween was on a thursday, people went out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is commonly referred to here as HalloWeek.
That is definitely not my scene, it is all to much for me, but it was fun to walk around and gain some serious perspective. And they were all so wrapped up in where they were going, or maybe just to drunk to notice my friend and I just walking around fully clothed up and down the streets.
Interesting Halloween to say the least.

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