Monday, April 15, 2013

My Flow Addiction

My name is Sammy Lynn and today I admit myself to Flow Players Anonymous.... FPA for short. If you aren't firmiliar with what I am referring to, it is a game on my phone where you connect colored dots within a set playing feild of sqares. The connections have to take up the entire playing feild, as well as, not connect with each other. And there is a set number of moves you have to make these connections in! The Internet is a thing, google the game, then buy it and play it, and join FPA with me!
I play this game every free chance I get! When I'm waiting for class to start, on the bus to a game, at lunch, in bed, even while procrastinating homework!
I wanted to share with ya'll my thought process while trying to master this mind game! I toucher myself sometimes! So here it is! (And keep in mind this is only for the 11x11 levels and up, the others don't take that much thought...)

When I first open the fresh level: "OMG! This is so hard! I will never achieve this! So many colors!"

After a few attempts: "ok, I can connect half of this stupid thing, but not the rest..."

Making little-to-no-progress: "this is impossible! How do people complete this! They can't possible connect! I must stop!"

After a break: "make two more connections or you don't eat tonight!!"
Ponder the threat I just made to myself: " haha good one selfie, go get yourself a cookie!"

Still not getting it: "screw this! I'm going to give up life and go live in a hobbit house in New Zealand!"

Eating a cookie and playing: "wow! This cookie was the magic key! I am really solving this!"

Makes all the connections in wrong amount of moves: "OMFG! Yes! You are so smart! The whole world should now bow down to your superior Flow ability! Quick! Screenshot this thing of beauty so you can recreate it in the right amount of moves."

After screenshot and successful level completion: "Sammy Lynn! Put on your poker face! Don't show the game how much you care! It can sense vulnerability!"


Hahahaha all in fun and games though! Some of these statements might be exaggerated :) none-the-less, I take this game seriously! Cause it's the little achievements that get you through the day right?

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