Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blocked Road

Recently I have come upon a problem that I have never encountered before. I feel as though I've reached a road block!
What it is, is that I got accepted into my dream college.... I GOT ACCEPTED! But the catch is I REALLY can't afford it!
So I'm rather conflicted about it. On one hand I'm ecstatic! I got into a prestigious university, which I have been obsessed with for the past four years of my life. It's a huge accomplishment! And everyone I've told has been incredibly supportive and proud! This university was my dream! Emphasis on WAS...Because it's an expensive dream...
My family is a middle class family, we do well in general. But we don't have a spare $48,000 lying around for me to go get a piece of paper saying I sat in this universities classrooms for 4 years.
I have gotten into other universities, and can get the same degree at the other colleges. They are head and shoulders cheaper, as well, averaging only about $25,000. Though, there are many other factors in determining which college to attend, price is a big one. Settling for one of these other universities is what I'm going to do. Now I just have to chose which one!
Such a high, and such a low all at once. Not sure how to feel...

What do you do when you can't afford your dream?

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