Saturday, April 6, 2013

Graduate Centered Spotlight

It is customary for the family of a graduating high school senior to throw a social gathering together in honor of the past, present, and future achievements of their young child. Most notably, the achievement of graduating high school. My family is no exception to this suburban American custom. Party preparation is in full swing, a guest list is being comprised, food ideas are being tossed around, and most importantly a date is being decided. We have extended family we want to join us. We are working very hard to work around their travel availability. But part of me feels kinda bad about all this arrangement. They would travel for hours to come to our house and eat food and tell me how proud they are of me for graduating high school. Something I have to, pretty much by law, complete. They would spend how much gas money to drive here to tell me how proud they are of me for getting into a college (TBD). Travel to attend a party that will last two and a half hours at best... I feel like I am not worth that much travel. My parents would spend money on food and decorations, and countless hours of their time and energy to have this party. I feel honored and touched that they would all do that just to tell me how proud they are of me. But I hate to inconvenience anyone.
And the idea that you give graduates presents, humbles me, and slightly confuses me. I will graciously accept the gifts I will undoubtably receive. But I didn't graduate high school to get presents, or apply to college to get presents. I don't want presents from people just cause i need "stuff." I suppose the presents are more of a token of support for my future. That would make more spence. I would like presents because they support what I'm doing with my life. I just don't want graduation presents because its the "thing to do."

A lot of the events that revolve around graduating high school are very "graduate centered." Meaning it is all about me, which, unless its my birthday, I get embarrassed about. I don't like the spotlight all that much. And a graduation party is the peek of that graduation spotlight. I will face each new phase of this graduation process with a smile none-the-less. Cause I know you only get one high school graduation. And I want mine to be a positive one.

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