Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lake Tahoe Summer Project

Hi Friends,

I know I usually use this blog to post about my random thoughts and happenings in my life, but as of today I will be on a nine week long summer project mission trip with this club called CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) which I attend and play a role in at WSU. I will be living in a cabin facility in Southern Lake Tahoe with somewhere around 60 other college kids from around the country. We will get summer jobs down there at various places in the city, learning to work and share our faith in all aspects of our life, as well as grow in our walk with God in an incredible setting such as Lake Tahoe. I was fortunate enough to get hired by Kmart down there! I'm so excited by this opportunity to experience what it's like to hold a customer service job such as this one, I have never held a job like this before.
Over the course of the next nine weeks I will be posting to this site as often as possible! I hope to reflect on my travel experience, my work experience, and my personal growth I experience with my faith. I'm excited and equally nervous to stretch out of my comfort zone this summer and see what the Lord has planned. I will also share the awesome beach fun experiences as well.

Today, me and my friend I've previously posted about, who's name I changed for security purposes, Maria, will driving with a guy, we'll call him Tim, 11 hours down to Reno and staying the night. Then making the rest of the journey on Thursday… Hoping everything will fit in the car and the bikes stay securely hooked-up to the bike rack that I just envision bouncing shakily up-and-down as we hurdle down I-5!

I've had to put an insane amount of faith into this trip, and will need to continue doing so every day that I am gone. Praying for all aspects of my summer project and everyone involved! More posts to come!

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