Monday, June 30, 2014

LTSP God Is At Work People!

Hi friends,
I am happy to report to you all that I am feeling much better, and even though my appetite is about as existent as Amelia Earhart and her plane... I'm able to be up and about for the most part. I went back to work and was able to do the normal nightly activities. A lot of it was dressing to the occasion and getting up for it, hoping my body would rise to the occasion. I am also fortunate enough to have a sweet as can be boyfriend and very caring best friend here to care for me and make sure I felt better.

We have been embedding ourselves here in the community pretty well now. Been able to give people directions to places, and finally know my way around about half of K-Mart! I'm getting to know the members of the church I am attending. Getting to know the girls in my life group even better, they have been such a blessing to me and it's crazy how close we have been able to get in such a short amount of time. We have also had multiple opportunities to volunteer within the community, where we can not only fill a need here in Tahoe, but while we are doing that we can have really cool and easy spiritual conversations with people. Like yesterday we got to volunteer at the countries largest paddle board competition down at the lake. It was absolute chaos, but in the best way. There were tons of beach goers and boarders there to compete and have a good time. God used us in so many ways and brought about such positivity to the whole event. I'm continuously amazed how present God is in all this. He really does lead us to talk to people who we can just tell he's put in our path for a reason, whether it's just to make them think or whether it's to really rock their world with the good news. Though not every conversation is a success, and not everyone gets into a conversation, sometimes we just end up serving and showing God's message through our actions, every experience brings us closer to God and teaches us something.

Also looking forward to having the Taste of Tahoe kids joining us for the holiday weekend. These are kids like us who wanted to come on project but for one reason or another couldn't commit, so they just are coming for a small "taste."

Would love continued prayer for patience at work (especially with the 4th of July coming up), and for the other kids on this project that are starting to get sick, that they would have a quick turn around, and for the taste of Tahoe kids coming in on wednesday.

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