Thursday, April 10, 2014

WSU Decision

Hi friends,
I just wanted to follow up on a really old post of mine, back when I was deciding between two schools and really struggled with which one to go to. My choice was between Western Washington University and Washington State University. Both schools had great pros and cons, and both probably would have worked out. But more doors seemed to be open for me at WSU, and though it seemed like more of a risk and was definitely outside of my comfort zone, I took the leap of faith and moved to the small town of Pullman, WA and started school here at WSU.
Having now spent almost two semesters here I am happy to report I couldn't have made a better decision. There are a million little things I could write about that have been a blessing since moving here, but I'll just highlight a few things that have really been crucial to my experience here. Showing you all that making a choice, as hard and daunting as it is, will more often than not yield such huge blessings in the end.
First off there is such a sense of community here and in the greater area surrounding Pullman. Everyone is proud to be a coug, and even though it is a relatively large campus, it feels small once you are here and experience it. There is a a huge christian presence on campus, which I was pleasantly suppressed to find, and lots of opportunities to be in community with them on campus. The school does a really good job of having things to do on campus. I was worried being in the middle of nowhere would be boring, but when you can find time between your studies to do something fun there is always bound to be something to do. The greek life is alive and well here if you are into that sort of thing, but if your not the options are out there, you just have to be a little more proactive about finding them. Also, you get in really good shape walking around this campus, you either are going up a hill or down one and there is not really an in-between. Cougar calves are a thing! There is also a lot of great food places in the greater Pullman area, it's super tempting to eat out a lot… if only we weren't all broke college students :)
I've made life long friendships here, and couldn't be happier in my major program. Of course there is room for this school to improve in some areas, I'm not suggesting this place is perfect by any stretch. And I know not everyone has this experience here. But if you were wondering how that choice panned out, it has changed my life for the better!


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