Monday, June 16, 2014

LTSP The Tahoe Routine

Good morning friends,

I've had a couple solid days now where we have had orientation, kind of learning what to expect and what is expected from us, and have had the opportunity to hang out and get to know a lot more people. We spent Sunday going to various churches in the community, I chose to attend a local Presbyterian church. It was very different than the Presbyterian church I attend at home... I can assure you that! But it will be an interesting change of pace to go there for the next 9 weeks. After church we got the opportunity to go sharing all throughout the community. Just going out in pairs to listen to what people had to say about spiritual things and see if we could help them along in their spiritual journey. I got paired with my friend Jake and we went to the local shopping center, and had multiple conversations with people from all walks of life. Going up to a complete stranger and asking to talk about spiritual things will never be comfortable, but will hopefuy get more natural. Though we never got as far as outright explaining the gospel to anyone like we are trained to do. It was just nice to know we planted some seeds and that's all God needs to take it from there. So I trust and know The Lord has a plan for each and every person we talked to. 

We are still trying to get in a routine here, establish set times for morning devotionals, and get our work hours set. I'm a person who very much likes routine and likes to know what's happening when. Which is why Sunday was so good, cause that is what every Sunday will look like the entire time I'm here. I hope we get a routine down soon. All this guessing is starting to tire me out. I know it will all come together in good time! 

Prayers for my patients and for the continued work here from this project here in South Lake Tahoe! 

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